Next Steps

Where are you on your journey?

Do you want to dive deeper into what it means to be a part of Lighthouse? Here are some ways to take next steps:

Discover Lighthouse

Learn what Lighthouse stands for, where we have come from and where we hope to go.
Typically held the 3rd Sunday of each month. Let us know you're coming ahead of time,
or just show up the day of!

Community Groups

God created the church to be a family, to do life together, to encourage and support one another, and to disciple one another. Community groups provide opportunities for life-changing and meaningful relationships to be cultivated as members live life and seek God together.


Serving in the church and in our community is a huge part of what it means to be a part of the body of Christ. Put the wonderful gifts that God has given you to work for God's kingdom.


Make Lighthouse your home. Join a group and find a place to serve. Let us know that you are interested in becoming a member by connecting with us below.